Talk:Omnik Solar Inverter
Using the Etoday value to pass energy use to domoticz leads to errors in the weekly graphs. the wiki page on the domoticz API/JSON lists the requirements for the energy meter as: ENERGY = cumulative energy in watt hours (this is just a "dummy" counter, all counting must be done by client).
Therefore it is better to pass the ETotal value from the omnik data logger script to Domoticz instead of EToday * 1000
Woutrrr has further devellopped Omnik-Data-Logger on
It now uses a new file for output to Mysql, PVoutput, CSV and the , the console.
Also see the additional ettings in config.cfg.
Since the procedure to log and enable or disable these output options does not use ..._enabled variables anymore, the modifications to the script in order to output to Domoticz should be adjusted as well