About Netatmo Hardware
Features supported:
- Temperature sensor,
- Set point switch,
- "away" mode switch,
- Heating Status Switch,
- Temperature & Humidity Sensor,
- Barometer Sensor,
- Rain Sensor,
- Air QUality Sensor,
- Sound Sensor,
- Wind Sensor,
- Alert Sensor for Security Events,
Enable "Accept new Hardware Devices" in Setup/Setting Add a "Netatmo" Hardware in Setup/Hardware. Input your Netatmo login and password. 5 minutes Data Timeout(not sure about that). Turned the Thermostat up and down via the iPhone app and it showed up in Domoticz! In Setup/Devices, display the "not used" and "add" the new devices. Forum Domoticz.
New Netatmo Authentication method implemented from 2024.1
step 1:
Setup an App under MyApps in the Netatmo developers portal (
The Redirect_URI has to contain; ""
Once configured correctly, the Client_ID and Client_Secret will be generated and shown.
step 2:
In the domoticz hardware setup:
Create/modify the Netatmo hardware the Client ID should contain <client_id> the Client Secret should contain <client_secret> Then Select the Desired Scope compatible with your Devices.
Then Click on the Login Button.
This brings you to the My Netatmo page where you have to identify yourself and are asked for permission to grant access to certain devices and types (based on the scope provided).
Confirm the access to the Devices. After confirmation, your browser will try to redirect you.
Then your Hardware is added or you can press 'ADD'.
if you take too long and Domoticz says it cannot login, error: No access granted, check credentials...
Please try again....
supported Devices
At the moment, the supported Devices are;
- Weather station,
- Netatmo thermostat,
- Netatmo Valves,
- Homecoach,
- CO2detector,
- Smokedetector,
- Presence camera (Only Events),
- Welkom camera (Only Events),
- Door Tag,
Settings for Netatmo are found in the Domoticz GUI: Name: > Client ID: > Client Secret: > Scope::
- Name: This is the name you wan't for your Hardware module.
- Log level,
- Data Timeout,
- Client ID: Client ID obtained from Netatmo Development Site
- Client Secret: Client Secret obtained from Netatmo Development Site.
- Scope: Select here the Scope for your Netatmo Devices, make sure you only select scopes compatible with your devices!
So, you think if you have done everything correctly but things do not work (in some way) as you expected. Here are a couple steps you can do to find the cause.
Turn on debug logging
Edit your /etc/systemd/system/domoticz.service file to;
ExecStart=/home/domoticz/domoticz -www 8484 -sslwww 8443 -log "/var/log/domoticz.log" -loglevel all -debuglevel normal,hardware,received,eventsystem WorkingDirectory=/home/domoticz
Get help
The Domoticz forum is a great resource for help and solutions. Check the Forum.