The White Temperature Control changes the brightness to 75%, because it uses the command scene.
if CalcValue==nil then CalcValue=0 end runcommand = " sudo echo -ne '{\"id\":1, \"method\":\"set_scene\",\"params\":[\"ct\"," .. CalcValue .. ", 75]}\\r\\n' | nc -w1 " ..IP.." " ..PORT..""; os.execute(runcommand); print(runcommand) print("Color Temp= "..CalcValue);
I changed the second line, to only change the white temperatur.
runcommand = " sudo echo -ne '{\"id\":1,\"method\":\"set_ct_abx\", \"params\":[" .. CalcValue .. ", \"smooth\", 500]}\\r\\n' | nc -w1 " ..IP.." " ..PORT.."";
Yeelight Ceiling Light Calculation
Because the ceiling Light has another Themperature area (2700-6500), the calculation must be different.
DomValue = otherdevices_svalues[DomDevice]; CalcValue = ((DomValue-1) * 38)+2700;