Alarm systems (Fire, intrusion, ...)
In this page some alarm systems, from different authors, are described, one section for each system.
Fire detection script based on temperature sensors
In it is' possible to find 4 files that can be used to detect fire checking the rooms temperature.
When a room temperature increases too fast, the script send an alert by Telegram specifying the room name, average temperature and new temperature.
The script:
- has a configuration file where, for each rooms, are defined the room name, temperature sensor name, deltaT to trigger the alarm
- stores in a variable, json encoded, the list of average temperatures for each room
- when in one or more rooms Temperature > Average_Temperature + deltaT => send notification by Telegram
- it works with both simple temperature sensors, and temperature+humidity(+barometric) sensors
Below the descriptions of the 4 files, that should be placed into Domoticz scripts/lua directory:
- script_time_fireAlarm.lua => lua script triggered every minute
- config_fireAlarm.lua => configuration file with rooms definition
- globalvariables.lua => another configuration file with telegram API information and something else
- globalfunctions.lua => some functions that are used from my scripts
For any suggestions, open an issue on gitHub
Simple alarm script
This script is a simple alarm.
This script has been taken from here
Dependencies - hardware / software / operating system
This script will work on all type of hardware / software / operating system.
Domoticz Setup - switches, variables, version
Installation instructions
Copy this script in your domoticz\scripts\lua\ folder.
Script with comments
local sensor = 'Bedroom 1 - Motion' local sensor2 = 'Hall - Motion' local sensor3 = 'Living Room - Motion' local sensor_out = 'Presence Detected' local sensor_out2 = 'Security Panel' commandArray = {} function timedifference (s) year = string.sub(s, 1, 4) month = string.sub(s, 6, 7) day = string.sub(s, 9, 10) hour = string.sub(s, 12, 13) minutes = string.sub(s, 15, 16) seconds = string.sub(s, 18, 19) t1 = os.time() t2 = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=minutes, sec=seconds} difference = os.difftime (t1, t2) return difference end if ((devicechanged[sensor] == 'On') or (devicechanged[sensor2] == 'On') or (devicechanged[sensor3] == 'On')) then print('Presence from PIR') commandArray[sensor_out]='On' --commandArray['SecPanel']='Arm Home' --else --commandArray['Security Panel']='Disarm' end --if(devicechanged[sensor_out] == 'On') then --commandArray[sensor_out2]='Arm Home' --end --commandArray['SecPanel']='Arm Home' --commandArray['SecPanel']='Disarm' --commandArray['SecPanel']='Arm Away' return commandArray
Example of use (if relevant) i.e. output files / screen displays