Fronius inverter
Fronius inverter with http access (LAN interface) can be managed simply by a LUA script that fetch telemetry in json format and update some virtual sensors that must be created manually.
- Go to Setup -> Hardware: if there is no hardware with Create Virtual Sensors button, add a new hardware, type Dummy
- Create a virtual sensor for the power/energy: click on the Create Virtual Sensors button, enter name Inverter Power (or something similar), type Electric (Instant+Counter)
- Create a virtual sensor for the Voltage AC: click on the Create Virtual Sensors button, enter name Inverter Voltage (or something similar), type Voltage
- Create a virtual sensor for the photovoltaic Voltage DC: click on the Create Virtual Sensors button, enter name Inverter PV Voltage (or something similar), type Voltage
- Create a virtual sensor for the frequency: click on the Create Virtual Sensors button, enter name Inverter Frequency (or something similar), type Custom sensor, Axis label Hz
- Select Utility menu, click on Edit button for the power virtual sensor (created at step 2), keep note of its idx and exit
- Copy and paste the following script into the directory domoticz/scripts/lua and name it script_time_fronius.lua
- Edit the script and set IPFronius variable to the IP number of the inverter, and PVPowerIDX=idx at point 6. If you have created the 4 virtual sensors (steps 2 to 5) in the right sequence, you do not need to specify the idx for the other 3 virtual sensors.
-- Get telemetry data from Fronius inverter into Domoticz
-- More information at
-- Last update script at
-- Originally written by GeyerA, revised by CreasolTech
-- This script fetch data from Fronius inverter by http, and update a virtual sensor in domoticz with the current power/energy
-- Look below the lines local PV* with description of the virtual sensors that must be created manually!
local IPFronius='' -- IP adress of the Fronius inverter
local PVPowerIDX=660 -- IDX of the inverte virtual sensor, to be created manually, type Electric (Instant+Counter)
local PVVacIDX=PVPowerIDX+1 -- IDX of the AC Voltage virtual sensor, to be created manually, type
local PVVdcIDX=PVVacIDX+1 -- IDX of the AC Voltage virtual sensor, to be created manually, type
local PVFreqIDX=PVVdcIDX+1 -- IDX of the Frequency virtual sensor, to be created manually, type Custom Sensor, with "Hz" as Axis label
local PVDisabledAtNight=1 -- 0 => always get telemetry. 1 => disable fetching telemetry in the night
local DEBUG=1 -- 0 => do NOT print anything to log. 1 => print debugging info. 2 => print more debugging info
commandArray = {}
if (DEBUG>=1) then startTime=os.clock() end
if (PVDisabledAtNight==1) then
-- Inverter is OFF during the night, so it does not answer to the LAN interface. Does not try to contact inverter, saving a lot of time (curl timeout)
timeNow ="*t")
minutesNow = timeNow.min + timeNow.hour * 60 -- number of minutes since midnight
if (minutesNow<timeofday['SunriseInMinutes']-60 or minutesNow>timeofday['SunsetInMinutes']+60) then
if (DEBUG>=2) then print("fronius: night time!") end
if (DEBUG>=2) then print("fronius script took ".. (os.clock()-startTime) .."s") end
return commandArray
JSON = (loadfile "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")() -- For Linux
--Extract data from Fronius converter.
froniusurl = 'curl --connect-timeout 1 "http://'..IPFronius..'/solar_api/v1/GetInverterRealtimeData.cgi?Scope=Device&DeviceId=1&DataCollection=CommonInverterData"'
jsondata = assert(io.popen(froniusurl))
froniusdevice = jsondata:read('*all')
local retcode={jsondata:close()}
local Pac=0
if (retcode[3]~=28) then -- curl returns 28 in case of timeout => inverter not operational (during the night?)
-- Inverter connection not in timeout
if (DEBUG>=2) then print("fronius: json data="..froniusdevice) end -- print data from Inverter
froniusdata = JSON:decode(froniusdevice)
if (froniusdata ~= nil) then
-- Inverter returned json data with telemetry
local StatusCode = froniusdata['Body']['Data']['DeviceStatus']['StatusCode']
local DAY_ENERGY = froniusdata['Body']['Data']['TOTAL_ENERGY']['Value']
if( StatusCode == 7) then --Fronius converter is Running
Pac = froniusdata['Body']['Data']['PAC']['Value']
local Vac=froniusdata['Body']['Data']['UAC']['Value']
local Vdc=froniusdata['Body']['Data']['UDC']['Value']
local Freq=froniusdata['Body']['Data']['FAC']['Value']
commandArray[1] = {['UpdateDevice'] = PVPowerIDX .. "|0|" .. Pac .. ";" .. DAY_ENERGY}
commandArray[2] = {['UpdateDevice'] = PVVacIDX .. "|"..Vac.."|"..Vac}
commandArray[3] = {['UpdateDevice'] = PVVdcIDX .. "|"..Vdc.."|"..Vdc}
commandArray[4] = {['UpdateDevice'] = PVFreqIDX .. "|"..Freq.."|"..Freq}
if (DEBUG>=1) then print("fronius: Power="..Pac..", script took ".. (os.clock()-startTime) .."s") end
return commandArray
The script is called every 1 minute: please check in the domoticz log if everything goes well.
The last updated version is available at where it's possible to submit any issues or contribute to improve the script.